Gutter cleaning is one of those home maintenance tasks that nobody wants to do, yet it needs to be done. Leaves and all other manner of debris can clog the gutters and lead to costly repairs. This makes a gutter protection system a good investment. In today’s post, local roofing and gutter company Empire Contractors LLC shares a quick guide on how to choose the right gutter protection system for your home.

How Do Gutter Protection Systems Work?
A standard gutter system is designed to catch rainwater from the roof’s edge, which leaves the top portion open. The flaw in this design is it catches leaves and debris along with rainwater. Without regular cleaning, gutters can get clogged over time, retaining moisture that leads to corrosion. Gutter protection systems, also known as gutter covers, are installed on or sometimes in the gutters. They separate rainwater from solid matter, which helps reduce gutter maintenance requirements and prevent the aforementioned gutter problems.
Gutter protection systems come in various types, and can be categorized as in-gutter and on-gutter. In-gutter products are installed inside the gutter troughs and typically look like brush, sponge, or some type of porous material. On-gutter products, on the other hand, are installed over the gutters. These types of gutter protection systems are generally considered to be more effective.
Factors to Consider
There are a few things you should consider when choosing a gutter protection system:
Material — Ideally, the gutter material should match the gutters, and not just for aesthetic reasons. Certain types of metal will corrode when in contact with another metal, a reaction known as galvanic corrosion. Fortunately, most types of gutter protection systems come with a durable outer coating that helps prevent galvanic corrosion. Plastic is a safe option and often costs lower, but is not as durable.
Gutter guard type — Some gutter guards work like a sieve or filter, while others are designed like hoods that utilize water surface tension to separate leaves from rainwater. The latter usually costs more, but may require less upkeep, as most solid matter gets dropped to the ground instead of left on the screen.
Surrounding environment — Some gutter protection systems are not as effective in keeping out needles and other similarly-shaped debris. This is an important consideration if you have pine or trees of similar species surrounding your home. If possible, ask your gutter contractor for a demonstration of their gutter protection systems’ features before you make your choice.
Empire Contractors LLC is your leading provider of siding and gutters. Give us a call at (513) 244-2200. You can also fill out our contact form to schedule an appointment. We serve customers in Cincinnati, OH, and the surrounding communities.